Enneagram at Work

155. Do You Have a Type 8, 9, or 1 Gap on Your Team? [Series - Part 3]

Enneagram MBA

What should you do if you're team isn't "balanced?"

Maybe you don't have someone who identifies with each type. Maybe there's one or two types that no one relates to at all. 

  • Is that a bad thing? 
  • Do you need to hire for that specific type? 
  • What happens when the team isn't "well-rounded?"
  • What should you do with a gap? 

When you listen to Part 3 of this 4-Part Series you'll get the answers to these questions and things to think about as a manager and as a team as a whole when you don't have anyone on the team that identifies with a Type 8, Type 9, or Type 1.

Have a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!

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✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheet